old-time music
Warren and Judy are never happier than when they put the “lucky five” in the trunk of the car (fiddle, banjo, mandolin, guitar and autoharp) and head off to share old songs and tunes at gatherings of folk wanting to hear/learn more about Appalachian music/culture. Places they regularly play are the Appalachian Community Development Associations’s Festival at Coney Island, Urban Appalachian Community Coalition events, Metamora Music Festival, Gorman Farm Festival, Butler County Metroparks, Oxford Community Arts Center square dances, Oxford Community Farm Market, Hueston Woods State Park, schools, churches, family reunions
When they began playing traditional Appalcahian music together in 1975, Warren was playing his great-grandmother's open back banjo and had just returned from Kentucky learning from the “oldsters” and Judy was playing her guitar and singing songs learned from her mother, whose family had come from VA(WV) in 1812. Warren is a traditional artist with the Ohio Arts Council and Judy was an elementary school teacher. For many years they were members of the Tri-State Old-Time Fiddlers Association where they traded tunes with many Appalachians, especially Pappy Taylor (WJJD Barn Dance) and Tommy Taylor (Along the Ohio’s Shores.)