Saturday 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast available for purchase

Saturday 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM Committee Meetings, Millennium

JAS Editorial Board (Salmon P. Chase Room, Fourth Floor)

Diversity and Inclusion (Room 464)

International Connections (Room 451)

Awards Committee (Room 456)

Saturday 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM Registration, Exhibits, Posters, and Silent Auction, Millennium Hotel, second floor

Saturday 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Opening Mini-Plenaries

Diversity and Inclusion (Bluegrass)

Speaking of Equity and Justice: Stories and Discussion

Convener: Susan Spalding

Omope Carter Daboiku (Homeside Cultural Programming), Wilburn Hayden (York University), Shanita Jackson (Berea College), and Stacie Sexton (Kentucky Health Justice Network)

Economic Development (Grand A)

Hope in a Changing Appalachian Economy
Conveners: Ivy Brashear (Mountain Association for Community Economic Development) and Judson Abraham (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)

Stephanie Tyree (West Virginia Community Development), Peter Hille (Mountain Association for Community Economic Development), Mary Delaney (Community Matters), and Jeremy Brecher (Independent Activist and Filmmaker)

Education (Grand B)

Classrooms Without Walls: the High Rocks Model of a Facilitated Learning Journey

Convener: Sky Marietta (CEDIK)

Sarah Riley and High Rocks Staff and Participants (High Rocks Educational Corporation)

Environmental Sustainability (Buckeye)

Three Perspectives on Healing the Land in Appalachia

Convener: Sue Tallichet (Morehead State University)

“Here We Go Again: A Story of Appalachian Resiliency in Martin County, Kentucky,” Adam Sizemore (University of Louisville)

“Community Recycling: A Look Inside Eastern Kentucky’s Recycling Environment,” William Colin Alexander (Morehead-Rowan County-MSU Community Recycling Center)

“How I Failed at Farming,” Cody Montgomery (Independent Farmer, Potter and Activist)

Health (Colonnade)

Face to Face Works! Successful Health Promotion in Urban and Rural Settings

Convener: Elissa Pogue (UACC)

Frances Feltner (University of Kentucky Center for Excellence in Rural Health, Hazard, Kentucky), Becky Cropper (40 Developmental Assets Program, Brown County Education Service Center, Georgetown, Ohio), and Nan Franks (Addictions Services Council, Cincinnati, Ohio)

Migration (Pavilion)

Don’t Cry for Us, JD Vance (Or, The News of Our Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated)

Convener: Matthew Smith (Miami University Hamilton)

Scott Goebel (Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative), Richard Hague (Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative), Michael Henson (Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative), Pauletta Hansel (Southern Appalachian Writers Cooperative) and Sherry Cook Stanforth (Thomas More College)