Saturday 11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Concurrent Sessions 7
Diversity and Inclusion:
7.1 - Panel (Bluegrass B)
We Are Here: Claiming and Exploring Queer Appalachian Identities
Convener: Justin Ray Dutton
“Some Call it Home: Creative Writing as Exploration of Identity Telling (Queer-Affirming) Stories of Appalachian Place,” Justin Ray Dutton (Independent Researcher)
"Are Y'all Homos? Metis as Method for and in Queer Appalachian,” Caleb Pendygraft (Miami University of Ohio), Travis Rountree (Indiana University East)
“There Ain't No Queers Here: Locating Queer and Trans* Spaces in Appalachia,” Stacy Jane Grover (University of Cincinnati)
7.2 - Panel (Colonnade A)
At a Stranger's Table (a documentary about Latino H-2A/migrant farm workers)
Convener: Scott Temple
“Ethnography and Film Making,” Scott Temple (Pitt Community College)
“Art and Activism,” Sally Jacobs (Belmont Abbey College)
“Health and Well-Being,” Misun Hur (East Carolina University)
7.3 - Experiential Panel (Buckeye A)
Coal: The Impact of Underground Mining on Black and White Family Life in a Small West Virginia Coal Town
Convener: Jack Wright
Jack Wright (Ohio University School of Film, Retired), Jack Spadaro (Mine Safety and Health Specialist), Brenda C. Jackson and Cicero Fain (College of Southern Maryland), Arthur Cromwell (Ohio University School of Media Arts and Studies), and Carrie Kline and Michael Kline (Talking Across the Lines)
Economic Development:
7.4 - Panel (Statesman)
Farm and Food Feeding the Economy
Convener: Genevieve Bardwell
“Salt Rising Bread: Keeping the Tradition Alive,” Genevieve Bardwell (Independent Baker, Author, and Master Teacher), Amy Dawson (Independent Farmer), Antonio Archer (Rising Creek Bakery)
“Farm and Food Tourism: An Appropriate Economic Strategy for Appalachia?,” Leah G. Mathews (University of North Carolina at Asheville)
“From Tobacco to Local Food in Western North Carolina,” Allison S. Perrett and Charlie Jackson (Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project)
“Contentious Sang: The Politics of Ginseng Production in Appalachia,” Justine Law (Sonoma State University)
7.5 - Roundtable (Colonnade B)
Cooperative Appalachia
Crystal Allene Cook (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) and Amelia Bandy (EDGE, Economic Development Greater East)
7.6 - Panel (Wolverine)
Poverty, Welfare, and Social Stigma
Convener: Kristina Brant
“Beyond Work vs. Welfare: Conceptions of Moral Worth in a Postindustrial Community,” Kristina Brant (Harvard University)
“Children of the Downturn: Capability and 'New Poverty' in Central Appalachia,” Olivia S. Lowery (Hollins University) and Claudio D'Amato (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
“Social Stigma and the ‘Welfare Check’: An Examination of Mistrust and Misuse of Social Capital,” Jade Zimpfer (Sam Houston State University)
7.7 - Workshop (Portico)
Weaving a Tapestry of Hope for Appalachian Students
Convener: Rebecca Cropper
Rebecca Cropper, Evelyn Yockey, Dee Ann Stricklett, and Stephanie Wagoner (Brown County Educational Service Center)
7.8 - Panel (Buckeye B)
Developing University and K-12 Students’ Awareness of Identity and Community
Convener: Zachary Kopkin
“Teaching ‘Our Appalachian Community’,” Zach Kopkin (Appalachian State University)
“Threads and Yarns: Creating Connections in the Classroom,” J. Michael King (University of Pikeville)
“An Appalachian Spring: Teaching, Learning, Bridging Gaps,” Beth Rigel Daugherty (Otterbein University)
“‘Hidden Figures’ in Appalachia: Connecting the Book and the Film to the Region in the Classroom,” Rosemary Hathaway (West Virginia University)
7.9 - Panel (Council)
Leadership for Appalachian Schools
Convener: Lora Smith
“Examining the Moral Literacy of Leaders in Ohio's Appalachian Riverine School Districts,” Charles L. Lowery, Michael Edward Hess, and Tosin Akinola (Ohio University)
“Twenty Years in the Trenches: One Man's Undying Fight for Equitable and Adequate School Funding in Ohio,” Connor J. Fewell (Ohio University)
“We're on a Mission: Identifying an Appalachian Mission Statement for Schools,” Brooke Mullins and Jameson Jones (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Environmental Sustainability
7.10 - Panel (Grand A)
Our Land, Our Water, Our Lives
Convener: Brett R. Joseph
“Where The River Flows! Challenges Threatening Our Ohio River Valley in These Coming Years,” Elaine Tanner (Friends For Environmental Justice), Bill Hughes (Ohio River Citizens' Alliance), Ted Auch (Fracktracker) and Brett R. Joseph (Center for Ecological Culture, Inc.)
“Land Beneath the Water: The Keowee-Toxaway Project in Appalachian South Carolina,” Austin Gregory (East Tennessee State University)
“Fracking for Funding in Appalachian Ohio: Power and Powerlessness,” Jacqueline Yahn (Ohio University Eastern)
7.11 - Panel (Taft)
Reclaiming Wilderness to Create a Future of Our Own
Convener: M. Joseph Aloi
“Wilderness and Culture in Appalachia,” M. Joseph Aloi (University of North Texas)
“Does Rewilding Make Sense in Appalachia?” Charles B. Hayes (Michigan State University)
“The Druid and the City: Exploring Cincinnati’s Ancient Tree Groves,” Scott R. Honeycutt (East Tennessee State)
“A Familiar Wilderness: Lessons from Walking the Daniel Boone Wilderness Road,” Simon J. Dahlman (Milligan College)
7.12 - Roundtable (Pavilion A)
Breaking Down Barriers to End-of-Life Conversations and Planning in Greater Cincinnati Appalachian Communities
Convener: Catherine Sherron
Catherine Sherron (Thomas More College); Dennis Cheatham and Jennifer Heston (Miami University - Oxford)
7.13 - Panel (Pavilion B)
From Hell to Hope: A Collaborative Writing Group for Women in Recovery
Convener: Beth Campbell
“From Hell To Hope: A Collaborative Writing Group For Women In Recovery,” Beth Campbell (Marshall University)
“From Hell To Hope: Finding Oneself in Addiction,” Lee Ann Vecellio (Marshall University)
“From Hell To Hope: Finding A Way to Recovery,” Leighann Justice Davidson (Marshall University)
“From Hell To Hope: Dreams of Different Futures,” Beth Campbell, Lee Ann Vecellio, and Leighann Justice Davidson (Marshall University)
7.14 - Workshop (Bluegrass A)
Story and Medicine in Appalachia: Creating Healing Communities in Clinical Settings
Convener: Renée K. Nicholson
Renée K. Nicholson and Carl Grey (West Virginia University)
7.15 - Panel (Hoosier)
Access to Information and Care in the Region
Convener: G. Aubrey Lee
“Seeking Healthcare, Finding Community: An Ethnography of a Charitable Clinic in a Rural Appalachian Community,” Courtney Rhoades (East Tennessee State University)
“Reopening an Appalachian Hospital: The Case of Lee Regional Hospital,” G. Aubrey Lee (King University)
“Who are Adolescents Talking to? Understanding Who Adolescents in Appalachia Talk with about Health,” Kathryn L. Duvall and David Wood (East Tennessee State’s Quillen College of Medicine)
7.16 - Experiential Panel (Cabana A)
Camp Washington: Urban Appalachia in the Heart of Cincinnati
Convener: Anne Skove
Anne Skove, Joe Gorman, and James Heller-Jackson (Camp Washington Community Board)
7.17 - Performance (Cardinal)
Outliers: Women’s Voices of Place and Displacement
Convener: Cathryn Hankla
Cathryn Hankla (Hollins University), Karen Sayler McElmurray (Gettysburg College), Jessie van Eerden (West Virginia Wesleyan College), Crystal Wilkinson (Berea College)
7.18 - Experiential Panel (Cabana B)
Urban Appalachia: Community Development in Cincinnati
Convener: Kathryn Trauth Taylor
“The Urban Appalachian Project: Young Identity Beyond the Mountains,” Kathryn Trauth Taylor and Dani Clark (Untold Content, LLC)
“Adapting a Place-Based Approach for Urban Community Development,” Mary Delany and Patty Lee (Community Matters)
Cross-Over Session Health and Economic Development Panel:
7.19 - Panel (Grand B)
Coal’s Continuing Challenges in Appalachia
Convener: Aysha Bodenhamer
“Public Health in Appalachia: Looking at Coal’s Direct and Indirect Impacts,” Priscilla Harris (Vanderbilt Law School) and Patrick Baker (University of Tennessee, Martin)
“The Resurgence of Black Lung: Economic Challenges and Escalating Risk,” Aysha A. Bodenhamer (Radford University) and Thomas E. Shriver (North Carolina State University)
“Corporatism in the Contemporary Appalachian Coal Industry,” Judson C. Abraham (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
“The Search for Economic Diversity in Eastern Kentucky,” Jeni Hall (Thomas More College)
Saturday 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Saturday Lunch (ticketed) — Music by Russ and Barb Childers.